Bumpy bus rides… part-1

Having been blessed with overtly concerned and conscientious parents who believe that allowing their daughters to ride a bike on the Bangalore roads is like voluntarily pushing them into the jaws of disaster, I have had no choice but to surrender myself to the travails of transportation by bus. And though I’m calling it a “travail”, I actually kinda like it 😀
Agreed, our BTS ( the now renamed BMTC) services are no where comparable to the far more developed and sophisticated transport systems of the world, but it is not all that bad either. Of late, the quality and state of the buses are much better than what they once used to be. Also BMTC has introduced a lot of enticing
schemes for the benefit of the daily commuters.
One of the foremost advantages of bus travel is the unlimited opportunities that one can avail to observe people. Varied ranges of a multitude of people, from the various cross-sections of the society take these buses every day.
So then, here’s a low-down of the kind who lend themselves to some interesting observations, purely by being zara-hatke and adding colour to this otherwise humdrum daily activity 😉

m1. The John-Travolta/macho-super-hero types – these guys believe that the only spot in the entire bus that is worth standing on is the last step of the foot-board. I guess it gives them a what-if-I’m-not-spider-man, I’m-no-way-less kinda feeling!

m2. The driver-ka-chela types – these consider it to be their prime duty to keep the driver (and occasionally the conductor, especially if it happens to be –tress) indulged in self-important small talk and chit chat, by being right next to him, while he negotiates all the difficult curves.

m3. The travelling’s-gotta-be-a-touch-and-feel-experience-believers – don’t have to mention that these are the sidey-est of the lot. They firmly believe that the ladies who are seated are meant to be leant upon and those standing are meant to be brushed against and touched at every given opportunity. Ugghh!!

m4. The sitting-candidates-for-the-best-acting-ability – these like to believe that if they pretend to be asleep while they occupy the ladies seats, then nobody’ll dare to disturb them.

Ok ok, before u guys call me the female equivalent of a MCP, lemme tell u…there’s more coming up… stay tuned to see the ladies take the places of honour, in part-2!!

5 thoughts on “Bumpy bus rides… part-1

  1. Your best ever! Too good and oh so true! BTW, were u talking about our own Travolta ;)? Which bus was that again?

    You know who!

  2. i was the john travolta types back in school. crazy antics we used to indulge in those days!! but trust me its lot of fun 😛

    These days in mumbai trains, am more like i-cant-feel-my-arms-or-legs!!

  3. Wish I got to see our own John Travolta types in my bus!! sigh!
    I didn’t mean the Travolta look-alikes, I meant those who imagine that they are the Travolta kind…

    [Shreyas]: Yeah I know, don’t even remind me of the Bombay trains, had a horrid experience the day I landed there for a holiday…

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